Hearing Check Ltd - Company Statement in response to COVID 19


We are open for Microsuction and Hearing Assessments - Head Office 01772 862000



Your health and that of our team is our number one priority and as such, we want to act in the best interests of our patients.


•You will be triaged on the phone and asked certain healthcare questions.


•There will only be a single patient in the clinic at any given time.


•You will not come within 2 metres of another person within the practice. If you arrive early for your appointment we may ask you to wait outside. Please don't be offended. We need to clean all areas where the previous patient has been.


•We also need for you to confirm that as far as you are aware you have not contracted or been in contact with anyone that has contracted COVID-19, that you or a member of your household have not suffered a recent, continuous cough or had a high temperature in the previous 2 weeks.


•You will need to apply hand gel on entry and wear a disposable face mask on entry (which we will provide just in case you have unknowingly contracted COVID-19 and are asymptomatic).


•We may ask you to use hand gel at various times during your visit.


•We will ask you to avoid touching surfaces as much as possible. 


•Your audiologist will be using a face mask throughout the appointment and surgical gloves for certain procedures.